Archives for February 2021

Five Good Materials for Food Prep Surfaces

5 food prep surfaces

Busy kitchens have a wide variety of options available for food prep surfaces. Those surfaces built for food prioritize safety. Sometimes, those surfaces are also heat resistant for your hot cookware. If you want to select suitable material for your food prep surfaces, check out these suggestions:

  • Stainless Steel
  • Engineered or natural stone
  • Recycled glass
  • Laminate
  • Wood

All of these materials can be In your countertops in various areas. However, all of them have significant advantages when used as food prep surfaces. Let’s dig into why below:

#1: Stainless Steel

Stainless steel countertops are number one on durability. Given its flat steel surface, the material is also easy to clean. These countertops are also the most common options among professional eateries because of this. When preferring efficiency over appearance, stainless steel is a reliable go-to option.

Their biggest problem? These countertops are unappealing in residential applications due to their industrial appearance. Unless you have a particular idea in mind for your build, these countertops don’t fit into most design ideas.

#2: Engineered Or Natural Stone

Both engineered and natural stone is known for their heat resistance. However, be careful to buy the right type of stone. Some natural stone countertops have divots and grooves that make them less suitable for food preparation, regardless of how sturdy they are.

Engineered quartz is one of the best examples available. Quartz is stunning when used as a countertop material. Compared to laminate, there is a noticeable quality difference in favor of using stone. Be prepared to pay more for the higher-end material.

#3: Recycled Glass

Recycled glass countertops are the usage of large shards of melted glass to create a contemporary look. These recycled glass shards are also known to resist scratches and some levels of heat. However, not all recycled glass options are created equal.

Be sure to ask about the heat resistance and scratch-resistant capabilities of whatever you buy. While you aren’t going to be cutting directly on the glass, there is always a chance that you might slip.

#4: Laminate

Laminate is a far more popular option for residential applications because of its appearance. It is also one of the most friendly budget options available on the market. As a result, they are “cheaper looking,” making them less appealing to those who prioritize quality.

Also, be sure to use a cutting board on the top layer. If the top layer is damaged, it is no longer safe for food preparation.

#5: Wood (Butcher Block)

The popularity of including a butcher blog in high-end homes is evident. Butcher blocks look great and create a central location where it is obvious where you are cutting your food.

Be careful to keep moisture away from this material. Don’t worry quite as much about scratches, as you can address these with a sander.

Final Thoughts

It would be best if you addressed food preparation areas with a certain degree of care. Not all surfaces are created equal, and this will become incredibly evident when making the purchase. Ensure that your busy kitchen is taken care of by the experts who know about these critical areas.

What Are The Most Durable Bathroom Sinks?

One of the essential parts of your bathroom sinks is the material. While beauty is critical in this category, you also want to make sure that your sink is durable. You can say the same for your design choice, so how do you ensure that your sink is durable?

First, you need to decide upon a long-lasting material. Next, you need to be sure that your sink has a durable design. Finally, it would help if you had a sink that is comfortable in its surroundings. 

In the rest of this article, we will explore these three areas with greater depth. By the end of the article, you will know what you need to look for on sink durability.

Choosing Durable Bathroom Sink Materials

If longevity is your focus, you want a bathroom made of sterner stuff. While you can also choose porcelain and glass for beauty, there are more appropriate options for durability:

  • Granite
  • Marble
  • Sandstone
  • Stainless steel
  • Teak (wood)
  • Resin

While you might think that prioritizing toughness may make you sacrifice beauty, the options above state otherwise. All of the examples above can create beautiful experiences. They are also known to last quite a long while when compared to porcelain or ceramic sinks. Both porcelain and ceramic have good longevity with the proper maintenance.

Choosing A Design Of Longevity

Many sinks have basic modern designs that are appealing to the eye. While people think that thick metal piping and a square base may be the only way to increase longevity, that isn’t always the case. Below are some design tips that prioritize long-lastingness.

  • Please keep it simple. While your sink has the potential to make a bold statement, it still needs to be something that makes sense.
  • Take a look at designs that make sense. You don’t want to have something so far out there that it takes you 20 minutes to figure out how to turn on the water.
  • Choose a design that naturally draws water back into the basin areas. If your bathroom floods, you need it to enter the drains rather than destroy your entire house.

Choose A Sink That is Comfortable in Its Surroundings

While this may return to choosing a simple design, this area reminds you to be aware of your surroundings. Keep the following in mind:

  • Don’t make anything stick out at bathtub level. If you bash your knee against a poorly placed pipe, you are going to want to rip that pipe out of the wall and destroy your vanity.
  • You have a variety of colors to choose from; Make sure none of them blend in to the point where you forget something is there.
  • If you have a small bathroom, that means you need to choose a little vanity. Make all of the sizes uniform if possible.

Final Thoughts

The key to a bathroom with sinks that will last forever starts with the material and ends with design. Simplicity is key to longevity. Stick to basic knowledge of good design and sturdy stone, wood, or whatever you choose to make a solid experience.