Do I Have to Redo my Kitchen Floor Before Refacing my Kitchen Cabinets?

Do I Have to Redo my Kitchen Floor Before Refacing my Kitchen Cabinets?There is a common and pervasive myth that refacing kitchen cabinets requires a full redo of your floor.  This is a myth, however!  When you get your cabinets refaced, the original body and framework is left in place.  It’s just reinforced, not removed.  That means not only do you not have to have your flooring company work first, but that there’s actually several benefits to waiting on your flooring until your refaced cabinets are finished.

First of all, waiting on your new cabinets allows you to make a more informed flooring choice.  New cabinets can make accents and finishes on other parts of your kitchen stand out, affecting the color, style and finish of your kitchen.  That might mean a different color or finish of flooring would work better in your newly redesigned kitchen.  By finishing the cabinets first, you get to take some time to see how they look before locking yourself into a particular flooring design.

In addition, if you lay a floating floor down before you finish work on your cabinets, your floor will not be able to expand or contract with temperature changes.  By laying floor under your cabinet bases, you’re compressing your floor underneath heavy cabinetry and countertop materials.  It’s possible, then, that your floor could buckle, bulge or even break.  Laying your flooring adjacent to your cabinets prevents any of those nasty scenarios from coming to pass.

A reliable and licensed cabinet manufacturer – like Bertone – will know how to customize their cabinet installation around your kitchen design plans.  Whether your fix your cabinets first and your floor later, or if you want to install a new floor now and place kitchen cabinets around that, they can work with you to ensure you get the best possible outcome in your kitchen.  Check us out today!